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Breadcrumb component

Breadcrumbs: Displays the position of the current page in the system hierarchy and can be returned up.

When to use

  • When the system has more than two levels of hierarchy;
  • When the user needs to be told "where you are";
  • When you need the ability to navigate up.


The simplest use.

Home/Application Center/Application List/ An Application/
        <kl-bread-crumb-item> Home</kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item><a href="../../../">Application Center</a></kl-bread-crumb-item>
            <a href="../../data-display/list/list.html">Application List</a></kl-bread-crumb-item
        <kl-bread-crumb-item> An Application</kl-bread-crumb-item>

<script setup lang="ts"></script>

<style scoped lang="scss"></style>


Used together with vue-router,(After the vue-router is installed, configure the route in the route configuration file.)

Home/Application Center/ Application List/ An Application/
    <kl-bread-crumb separator="/">
        <kl-bread-crumb-item> Home</kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item to="/Button">Application Center</kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item to="#"> Application List</kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item> An Application</kl-bread-crumb-item>

<script setup lang="ts"></script>

<style scoped lang="scss"></style>


The separator can be customized by setting the separator preperty: separator=">" .

Home>Application Center>Application List>An Application>
    <kl-bread-crumb separator=">">
        <kl-bread-crumb-item><a href="">Application Center</a> </kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item>Application List</kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item>An Application</kl-bread-crumb-item>

<script setup lang="ts"></script>

<style scoped lang="scss"></style>


The icon should be placed in front of the text.

    <kl-bread-crumb separator="/">
            <KlSystemAdmin />
        <kl-bread-crumb-item><a href="">Application Center</a></kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item><a href="">Application List</a> </kl-bread-crumb-item>
        <kl-bread-crumb-item> An Application</kl-bread-crumb-item>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { KlSystemAdmin } from '@kl-design/icons'

<style scoped lang="scss"></style>


ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
separatorDelimiter user-definedstring'/'
ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
toThe destination of the route is the same as the to attribute of the vue-routerstring/object-
replaceIf this property is set to true, the navigation will leave no historyboolean-

Released under the MIT License.