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Why use component libraries ?

For the project to have a unified theme, appearance and operating experience. Generally speaking, when a project is developed by a team, how to ensure that everyone on the team has the same understanding of the same thing is almost impossible.

For example: in the same situation, the same button, different people use the color, background color, border, rounded corners and so on can not be completely the same. Even if it is the same person, there is no guarantee that the button theme, appearance, operation feedback, etc. will be the same in the same situation. As a result, most companies now develop the same development standards, develop the underlying common component library, and ensure that the user experience is consistent in the same situation within the same project.

A complete component library can greatly improve our development efficiency, allowing us to spend more time focusing on the business logic, and do not need to consider the underlying component reusability, scalability, and stability issues.

Why Kunlun Design ?

The Kunlun Design development team is a young and dynamic team, which can make Kunlun Design be maintained and updated for a long time. With the continuous improvement of team members and positive feedback of component library users, Kunlun Design is definitely your best choice!

Released under the MIT License.