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Common operation buttons.

Basic usage

Use type, plain,round and circle to define style.

    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button type="primary">Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success">Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info">Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning">Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger">Danger</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button plain>Default</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" plain>Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" plain>Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" plain>Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" plain>Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" plain>Danger</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button round>Default</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" round>Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" round>Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" round>Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" round>Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" round>Danger</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button circle :icon="KlSystemEdit"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" circle :icon="KlSystemDelete"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" circle :icon="KlSystemSearch"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" circle :icon="KlSystemLoad"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" circle :icon="KlMediaCameraLine"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" circle :icon="KlMediaDiscFill"></kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {
} from '@kl-design/icons'

<style scoped lang="scss">
.kl-4 {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: flex-start;
    align-items: center;

    & > button {
        margin-bottom: 10px;

Disable status

You can use the disabled property to define whether the button is disabled

Use the disabled attribute to control whether the button is disabled. This property accepts a value of type Boolean.

    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button disabled>Default</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" disabled>Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" disabled>Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" disabled>Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" disabled>Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" disabled>Danger</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button plain disabled>plain</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" plain disabled>Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" plain disabled>Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" plain disabled>Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" plain disabled>Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" plain disabled>Danger</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts"></script>

<style scoped lang="scss">
.kl-4 {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: flex-start;

    & > button {
        margin-bottom: 10px;

You can use the link attribute to define whether a button is a link button.

Use the link attribute to control whether the button is a link button. This property accepts a value of type Boolean.

        <kl-button v-for="item in link_button" :key="item.text" :type="item.type" link>{{
        ><br />
        <kl-button v-for="item in link_button" :key="item.text" :type="item.type" disabled link>{{

<script setup lang="ts">
const link_button = [
    { type: null, text: 'default' },
    { type: 'primary', text: 'primary' },
    { type: 'success', text: 'success' },
    { type: 'danger', text: 'danger' },
    { type: 'info', text: 'info' }
] as const

<style scoped lang="scss">
button {
    margin: 5px;


Buttons with no border or background color.

Use the text property to control whether the button is a text button. This property accepts a value of type Boolean.

        <kl-button v-for="item in link_button" :key="item.text" :type="item.type" text>{{
        ><br />
        <kl-button v-for="item in link_button" :key="item.text" :type="item.type" text bg>{{
        ><br />
            v-for="item in link_button"
            >{{ item.text }}</kl-button

<script setup lang="ts">
const link_button = [
    { type: null, text: 'default' },
    { type: 'primary', text: 'primary' },
    { type: 'success', text: 'success' },
    { type: 'danger', text: 'danger' },
    { type: 'info', text: 'info' }
] as const

<style scoped>
button {
    margin: 5px;


In addition to the default strip, the button component is available in several additional sizes for different scenarios.

Use the size attribute to configure additional dimensions, with five values available: mini, small, normal, large and xlarge.

    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button size="mini">Primary</kl-button>
        <kl-button size="small">Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button size="normal">Info</kl-button>
        <kl-button size="large">Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button size="xlarge">Danger</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button round size="mini">mini</kl-button>
        <kl-button round size="small">small</kl-button>
        <kl-button round size="normal">normal</kl-button>
        <kl-button round size="large">large</kl-button>
        <kl-button round size="xlarge">xlarge</kl-button>
    <div class="kl-4">
        <kl-button circle :icon="KlSystemEdit" size="mini"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="primary" circle :icon="KlSystemEdit" size="small"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="success" circle :icon="KlSystemEdit" size="normal"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" circle :icon="KlSystemEdit" size="large"></kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" circle :icon="KlSystemEdit" size="xlarge"></kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { KlSystemEdit } from '@kl-design/icons'

<style scoped lang="scss">
.kl-4 {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: flex-start;
    align-items: center;

    & > button {
        margin-bottom: 10px;


typeButton typestringprimary|info|success|warning|danger|defaultdefault
sizeButton sizestringmini|small|normal|large|xlargenormal
colorButton background colorstring
textColorButton text colorstring
roundRounded or notbooleanfalse
plainSolid color buttonbooleanfalse
disabledDisable buttonbooleanfalse
linkLink buttonbooleanfalse
textText buttonbooleanfalse
bgWhether to display background in text button modebooleanfalse
iconFont iconobject

Released under the MIT License.