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Visualize time-stream information.

Basic usage

You can change the order in which the content is arranged by setting the value of the 'reverse' attribute to the 'timeline' component, true is the reverse order, false is the positive order, and the default is false.

  • kunlun-design-first
  • kunlun-design-second
    <kl-button @click="changeReverse" type="primary" class="button">correct</kl-button>
    <kl-button @click="changeReverse2" type="primary" class="button">reverse</kl-button>
    <div class="main">
        <kl-timeline :reverse="reverse">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20">kunlun-design-first</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21">kunlun-design-second</kl-timeline-item>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
let reverse = ref<boolean>(false)
const changeReverse = () => {
    reverse.value = true
const changeReverse2 = () => {
    reverse.value = false

Customize node styles

You can customize the node color, size, solid/hollow or directly use the icon according to the actual scene.

  • solid node
  • Custom node dimensions
  • Custom node colors
  • Custom node icons
    <div class="main">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20" :dotsolid="true">solid node</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21" dotsize="large"
                >Custom node dimensions</kl-timeline-item
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/22" dotcolor="pink"
                >Custom node colors</kl-timeline-item
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/23">
                <template #default>Custom node icons</template>
                <template #dot>
                    <KlMediaDiscFill />
<script setup lang="ts"></script>

Custom node type

Circle color type,successGreen indicates completed, success status,dangerRed indicates an alarm or error status,primaryBlue indicates the In Progress state,warningYellow indicates warning status,infoGray indicates the failure state,defaultRepresents the default state.

  • primary
  • success
  • warning
  • danger
  • info
  • default
    <div class="main">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20" dottype="primary">primary</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21" dottype="success">success</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/22" dottype="warning">warning</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/23" dottype="danger">danger</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/24" dottype="info">info</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/25" dottype="default">default</kl-timeline-item>
<script setup lang="ts"></script>

Timestamp vs. timestamp location

Use the timestamp attribute value on the timeline-item component to display the timestamp on the page, if you don't want to display the timestamp, don't add the timestamp attribute value.

Use the timeplace attribute value on the timeline-item component to adjust the timestamp to appear above or below the content.

  • Display timestamps
  • The timestamp is not displayed
  • 2023/02/20
    timestamp top
    <div class="main">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20">Display timestamps</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item>The timestamp is not displayed</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20" timeplace="top">
                timestamp top</kl-timeline-item
<script setup lang="ts"></script>

Timeline position

Realize that the timeline is on the right, the content is on the left, and the timeline is in the middle, and the content is displayed alternately.

Use the mode property on the timelinecomponent, the value is right ,and the timeline is on the right, center is the timeline in the middle, and the default is left.

  • kunlun-design
  • kunlun-design
  • kunlun-design
  • kunlun-design
    <div class="main">
        <kl-timeline mode="right">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
        <kl-timeline mode="center">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
<script setup lang="ts"></script>

The content is a dialog box

Realize the presentation of content in the form of a dialog box, which is more beautiful.

Use the typeattribute on the timeline component, and the value is set to message to realize the dialog box display, and the default value is default.

  • kunlun-design
  • kunlun-design
    <div class="main">
        <kl-timeline type="message" mode="center">
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/20">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
            <kl-timeline-item timestamp="2023/02/21">kunlun-design</kl-timeline-item>
<script setup lang="ts"></script>

Timeline API

Timeline Attribute

attributedescriptiontypedefault value
modeChange the relative position of the timeline and contentstring(left|center|right )left
typeChange the style type of the content boxstring(message|default)default
reverseChange the order of contentbooleanfalse

Timeline Slots

slot namedescriptionSublabels
defaultCustomize contentTimelineItem

TimelineItem API

TimelineItem Attribute

dotcolorNode colorstring
dotsolidWhether the node is solidbooleanfalse
dotsizeNode sizestringnormal
dottypeNode typeprimary/success/warning/danger/info/defaultdefault
timeplaceThe timestamp relative to the content locationstringbottom

TimelineItem Slots

slot namedescription
defaultCustomize content
dotCustomize node

Released under the MIT License.