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Message Prompt

It is often used as a feedback prompt after active operations. The difference with Notification is that the latter is more of a passive reminder for system-level notifications.

Basic usage

It appears from the top and disappears after 3 seconds.

Message is very similar in configuration to Notifications, so some of the options are not explained here.

        <kl-button @click="handleClick()" plain>Show Message</kl-button>
        <kl-button @click="vNodeClick()" plain>VNode</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { h } from 'vue'
import { KlMessage } from '@kunlun-design/components'
const handleClick = () => {
    KlMessage({ content: 'This is a message' })
const vNodeClick = () => {
        content: h('p', null, [
            h('span', null, 'Message can be '),
            h('i', { style: 'color:teal' }, ' VNode')

<style scoped>
button {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

Different states

Used to display operational feedback for the [Success, Warning, Message, Error] class.

Message can also interface an object as an argument when more properties need to be customized.

For example, setting the type field can define different states, defaulting to info. The body content is passed in with the value message.

We have also registered methods for the various types of Message that can be called without passing the type field.

        <kl-button type="success" @click="handleClick(0)" plain>Message Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" @click="handleClick(1)" plain>Message Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" @click="handleClick(2)" plain>Message error</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" @click="handleClick(3)" plain>Message info</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { KlMessage } from '@kunlun-design/components'
const handleClick = (type: number) => {
    switch (type) {
        case 0:
            KlMessage.success('This is a success message', 5000)
        case 1:
            KlMessage.warning('This is a warning message', 5000)
        case 2:
            KlMessage.error('This is a error message', 5000)
        case 3:
            KlMessage.text('This is a normal message', 5000)

<style scoped>
button {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

Message prompt that can be turned off

Can be used to add a close button

The default Message cannot be manually closed. If you need to turn the function off manually, you can set close to true. Message has a controlled duration with a default shutdown time of 3000 ms. Setting this property to 0 means that the message will not be automatically closed.

        <kl-button type="success" @click="handleClick(0)" plain>Message Success</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="warning" @click="handleClick(1)" plain>Message Warning</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="danger" @click="handleClick(2)" plain>Message error</kl-button>
        <kl-button type="info" @click="handleClick(3)" plain>Message info</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { KlMessage } from '@kunlun-design/components'
const handleClick = (type: number) => {
    switch (type) {
        case 0:
            KlMessage.success('This is a success message', 0, true)
        case 1:
            KlMessage.warning('This is a warning message', 0, true)
        case 2:
            KlMessage.error('This is a error message', 0, true)
        case 3:
            KlMessage.text('This is a normal message', 0, true)

<style scoped>
button {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

Scrollable message prompt

Can be used to display very long message prompt text content

The default Message does not support text scrolling, and when text goes beyond the message prompt, it is hidden as ..., you can set scroll to true. Message automatically scrolls based on the actual length of the text.

Of course, Message will decide for itself, so even if you set scroll to true, as long as the text doesn't exceed the Message box it won't scroll, so Message will run.

With scroll set to true, duration will be the length of the scroll animation, at which point the text will remain stationary for 2000ms before the scroll begins, 1000ms after the scroll animation ends, and then disappear.

Note: Test this feature on Windows with narrow width dimensions, and it is not recommended that the text be too long. Other notification prompt components can be used for long text

        <kl-button @click="handleClick(0)" plain>Message</kl-button>
        <kl-button @click="handleClick(1)" plain>Message Scroll</kl-button>
        <kl-button @click="handleClick(2)" plain>Message Scroll Close</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { KlMessage } from '@kunlun-design/components'
const handleClick = (type: number) => {
    switch (type) {
        case 0:
                    'If the length is insufficient, Message will automatically scroll the actual length of the text.',
                duration: 5000
        case 1:
                    'If the length is insufficient, Message will automatically scroll the actual length of the text.',
                scroll: true,
                duration: 5000
        case 2:
                'If the length is insufficient, Message will automatically scroll the actual length of the text.',

<style scoped>
button {
    margin-bottom: 20px;


successSuccess message
errorError prompt
warningWarning prompt
textGeneral prompt
typePrompt typestringsuccess|error|warning|texttext
durationPrompt durationnumber3000
closeWhether the close button is displayedbooleanfalse
scrollWhether out-of-roll is supportedbooleanfalse

Released under the MIT License.