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Enter characters with a mouse or keyboard.

Basic usage

The 'placeholder' attribute allows you to customize the input box prompt

    <kl-input v-model="input" placeholder="Please input"></kl-input>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const input = ref('')


By setting the 'type' property to 'password', you can set it as a password box, and add the 'showPassword' property to control whether the password can be viewed(The 'showPassword' attribute depends on icon, please import the icon library before using it, see icon) for details).

    <kl-input v-model="password" type="password" placeholder="Please input"> </kl-input>
    <kl-input v-model="password1" type="password" placeholder="Please input password" showPassword>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const password = ref('')
const password1 = ref('')

<style scoped>
.kl-input {
    margin-top: 5px;

Disable usage

Add the 'disabled' attribute to set the input box to the disabled state.

    <kl-input v-model="password" placeholder="Please input" disabled> </kl-input>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const password = ref('')


Use the size property to change the size of the input box. In addition to the default size, there are two other options: large, small.

    <kl-input v-model="inputLarge" placeholder="Please input" size="large"></kl-input>
    <kl-input v-model="inputDefault" placeholder="Please input" size="default"></kl-input>
    <kl-input v-model="inputSmall" placeholder="Please input" size="small"></kl-input>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const inputLarge = ref('')
const inputDefault = ref('')
const inputSmall = ref('')

<style scoped>
* {
    margin-top: 5px;


By setting the 'type' property to 'textarea', it can be customized as a text box; The 'rows' property can set the height of the text box, which defaults to 4 rows; The 'disabled' attribute disables the text box

    <kl-input v-model="input" placeholder="Please input text" type="textarea" :rows="4"></kl-input>

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'

const input = ref('')
const input1 = ref('')



placeholderplaceholder of InputString
typetype of inputStringtext
v-modelbinding valuestring/number
clearablewhether to show clear button, only works when type is not 'textarea'booleanfales
show-passwordwhether to show clear button, only works when type is not 'textarea'booleanfales
disabledwhether Input is disabledbooleanfales
rowsnumber of rows of textarea, only works when type is 'textarea'number4
namesame as name in native inputstring
readonlysame as readonly in native inputbooleanfalse
sizesize of Input, works when type is not 'textarea''large' / 'default' / 'small'default
maxsame as max in native input
minsame as min in native input
stepsame as step in native input
autofocussame as autofocus in native inputbooleanfalse
formsame as form in native inputstring
input-stylethe style of the input element or textarea elementstring/object{}


NameDescriptionCallback parameters
changeTriggered only when the modelValue changesval
clearFires when the Clear button generated by the clearable property is clicked

Released under the MIT License.