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List component

Generic list.

When to use

The most basic list display, can carry text, list, pictures, paragraphs, often used for background data display page.

Basic usage

Base list. You can display the border by setting bordered, and use avatar to place the avatar,and actions to place actions on the list.

  • 头像
    KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team
  • 头像
    KL-Desig was founded by a group of creative people
  • 头像
    KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team
  • 头像
    KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team
    <kl-list :dataSource="data1" size="small" bordered>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
            <kl-list-item size="large">
                <template #content>
                        <template #avatar>
                            <img src="../../public/images/logo.jpg" alt="头像" class="avatar" />

                        <template #title>
                                <a href="">{{ item.title }}</a>
                        <template #description>
                            {{ item.description }}
                <template #actions>
                    <kl-button link type="primary">edit</kl-button>

<script setup lang="ts">
const data1: object[] = [
        title: 'KL-Design Title 1',
            'KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team'
        title: 'KL-Design Title 2',
        description: 'KL-Desig  was founded by a group of creative people '
        title: 'KL-Design Title 3',
            'KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team'
        title: 'KL-Design Title 4',
            'KL-Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by KL-Design Team'

<style scoped lang="scss">
.avatar {
    width: 10%;
    height: 10%;
    border-radius: 50%;

.vp-doc ul {
    list-style: none;

Simple list

The list is available in five sizes: super, large, medium, small and mini.

By setting size to xlargelargenormalsmallmini make the list oversized, large, medium,small, and mini, respectively.

If size is not set, the size is medium. You can customize the header and tail of the list by setting header and footer.

Mini Size

  • Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.
  • Japanese princess to wed commoner.
  • Australian walks 100km after outback crash.
  • Man charged over missing wedding girl.
  • Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.

Small Size

  • Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.
  • Japanese princess to wed commoner.
  • Australian walks 100km after outback crash.
  • Man charged over missing wedding girl.
  • Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.

Normal Size

  • Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.

  • Japanese princess to wed commoner.

  • Australian walks 100km after outback crash.

  • Man charged over missing wedding girl.

  • Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.

Large Size

  • Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.

  • Japanese princess to wed commoner.

  • Australian walks 100km after outback crash.

  • Man charged over missing wedding girl.

  • Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.

Xlarge Size

  • Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.

  • Japanese princess to wed commoner.

  • Australian walks 100km after outback crash.

  • Man charged over missing wedding girl.

  • Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.

    <h3 :style="{ margin: '16px 0' }">Mini Size</h3>
    <kl-list :dataSource="data" size="mini" bordered header footer>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
                <template #content>
                    {{ item }}
        <template #header> header </template>
        <template #footer>

    <h3 :style="{ margin: '16px 0' }">Small Size</h3>
    <kl-list :dataSource="data" size="small" bordered header footer>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
                <template #content>
                    {{ item }}
        <template #header> header </template>
        <template #footer>

    <h3 :style="{ margin: '16px 0' }">Normal Size</h3>
    <kl-list :dataSource="data" size="normal" header footer bordered>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
                <template #content>
                    <p>{{ item }}</p>
        <template #header>
        <template #footer>

    <h3 :style="{ margin: '16px 0' }">Large Size</h3>
    <kl-list :dataSource="data" size="large" header footer bordered>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
                <template #content>
                    <p>{{ item }}</p>
        <template #header>
        <template #footer>

    <h3 :style="{ margin: '16px 0' }">Xlarge Size</h3>
    <kl-list :dataSource="data" size="xlarge" header footer bordered>
        <template #renderItem="{ item }">
                <template #content>
                    <p>{{ item }}</p>
        <template #header>
        <template #footer>

<script setup lang="ts">
const data: string[] = [
    'Racing car sprays burning fuel into crowd.',
    'Japanese princess to wed commoner.',
    'Australian walks 100km after outback crash.',
    'Man charged over missing wedding girl.',
    'Los Angeles battles huge wildfires.'

<style scoped lang="scss"></style>

Parameter description type



borderedDisplay border or notboolean
dataSourceList data sourceany[]
footerBottom of listslot
headerList headerslot
renderItemList cell content use #renderItem="{item}"slot
sizeSize of listxlarge | large |normal | small | mini


contentThe contents of the list cell, located on the far leftslot
actionsList operation group, located on the far rightslot
extraAdditional content is displayed on the far right of the list elementslot


avatarThe icon of the list elementslot
titleThe title of the list elementslot
descriptionThe description content of the list elementslot

Released under the MIT License.